Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lily's New Dress

Mike and I have so many new babies to visit this year that I'm almost starting to lose track of which months they're each arriving in!  I was in Fabricland the other day looking at some of the patterns for infants and toddlers because we have a number of friends and family who are expecting over the next few weeks.  I'd love to be able to give something handmade to each of those babies but there just aren't enough hours in the day.  I did think this one friend Kelly would particularly appreciate a handmade gift though since she is one of the craftiest people I know (in a good way!).  Her blog Done-Well was featured on CityLine and shows off her amazing talents in the areas of sewing, cooking, name it, she can do it.

Anyway she and her husband Dustin are expecting a baby girl so I  thought I'd take a look at the patterns for baby dresses.  I chose this cute design and sized it for a 3-6 month-old so hopefully the baby can fit into it by the summer.  The dress ended up taking less time to make than I had anticipated, and I managed to learn a few neat tricks from it as well.

I wasn't sure how best to photograph this tiny thing so here I have it draped around the body of our living room lamp.  It looks kind of comical but I thought it was a decent way of showing off how the dress would sit :)


  1. Kudos to all your hard work on moving your blog posts!!! Now I can comment to my heart's content. what absolutely fabulous creations. Lily's dress is wonderful, and I can't thank you enough! Looking forward to reading all your new posts now that I can subscribe to your blog ;)

  2. Thanks Kelly, I've been slowly getting used to navigating my way around blogspot! Even though the migration of my projects over to this site has been a huge undertaking I'm excited it's done and that I can just add new posts from here on out :)
