Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Zigzagger attachment
Mike and I picked up several special attachments for this machine and they all seem so cleverly designed. The Featherweight can only do a straight stitch, meaning the needle doesn't move side-to-side as is required for a zig-zag stitch. 

However I got my hands on a stapler-sized zig-zagger that actually clamps onto the fabric and shifts that side-to-side to create a zig-zag stitch. Now how cool is that?  There are different mechanical cams that produce various zig-zag patterns and you can switch them in and out.

Buttonholer attachment

The buttonholer  works much the same way as the zigzagger by clamping onto the fabric and using separate cams to create holes of different sizes. 

There are some other attachments specific to the Featherweight that look pretty crazy and I haven't even figured out what each one is used for yet! For now I've only tried out the zigzagger and buttonholer but am intrigued by the other ones.

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